atkins for all

Shean L. Atkins is currently the principal consultant for the Atkins Group where he provides strategy, planning and design, community engagement, external relations, and program development services for public and private sector clients. Before his entrepreneurial endeavors, Mr. Atkins was an architectural designer for a local architecture firm, the chief of staff at Atlanta City Council for the 11th District, and served as vice president of Atlanta Housing (AH). Since leaving AH, he has served two consultancy stints with the agency, providing leadership for special projects in the executive office and embedded in the real estate team, where he most recently helped lead the effort to win a $40MM Choice Neighborhoods Implementation grant for community redevelopment on Atlanta’s westside. Mr. Atkins is also a licensed realtor in the state of Georgia where he focuses his practice on real estate education and wealth-building for young and first-time homebuyers.